6 de mayo de 2024
RRHHDigital - El periódico online referente en Recursos Humanos

Examples of some Key Expressions from the article

Examples of some Key Expressions from the article

RRHH Digital. 1.    How come Will always manages toskive off any of the time-consuming, boring task that comes up yet is first in the line for praise?

2.    You really shouldn’t put off speaking to your boss about that pay rise. She did say that you would have a salary review after 3 months and you’ve been here for nearly 4. Strike while the iron is hot.

3.    To assume makes an ASS out of U and ME. Sean told me that and I have never forgotten it.

4.    In order totake advantage of your course, please arrive on time, turn off your phones and throw yourself into taking part.

5.    Anna: I’m in a tricky situation. How do you think I should go about solving it?

6.    I am debating about what approach I should take here, do you think I should lay down the law or be touchy-feely?

7.    The best place to work right now according to a worker’s survey is MarketDreams as there is a lot of camaraderieand a great working environment.

8.    A working mother has to juggle so many roles that it is a wonder that she doesn’t burn out in 6 months!

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