4 de mayo de 2024
RRHHDigital - El periódico online referente en Recursos Humanos

Procrastination is the thief of time!

Procrastination is the thief of time!

RRHH Digital. Slacking off, skiving, time-wasting, procrastinating…you name it, we’ve done it! Companies assume that the average employee will waste 20% of their working day and calculate loss accordingly. Younger workers tend to skive more than older ones as their work ethic is less pronounced although they claim that they multi-task better. Their excuses for slacking range from not finding their work challenging enough to the long working hours demanded by their employers.
So, are we programmed for postponement? Are we born procrastinators? 

Studies show that it is more about putting off tasks that we dislike rather than a desire for perfectionism. The majority of our downtime at work is spent using the internet for non-professional purposes or socializing with colleagues. We may call these moments’ coffee breaks, or network updates or mini-meetings and in fact discussing the latest developments on the X-Factor may seem to be a waste of time but actually it does promote camaraderie among co-workers so it’s not all negative.

Effective Time management has become increasingly important as we seek to juggle that work/life balance. As companies introduce teleworking and flexible hours, employees need to learn fast how to take advantage of the hours they work ensuring maximum productivity. So how do you go about making sure that you use your time well, the key is knowing what you want from your time.

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